Why this is the best porn list in the world:
- We don't have the biggest, but the most honest porn list with the truly most popular and best porn sites available on the net. Quality over quantity!
- Adult internet porn is more than the usual tubes. Thats why we have big variety of all kind: Pics, Forums, Cams & Dating & many more.
- Each porn category is ranked by popularity and quality by our "ultra secret special algorithm" (USSA).
- All sites are checked for malware and phising attempts twice a day for a safe porn experience without a nasty surprise. Nice, huh?
- In opposition to other porn lists we don't sell any top-rankings. So the best porn sites are on the top instead of porn sites which pay for it.
- 100% legal content. We don't support illegal, nor pirated content. So we can offer a malware-free directory to make watching porn as safe as possible.
- We rewl!
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